Thursday, August 02, 2012

Juggling and Summer

Before the start of this summer, I joined a juggling group in Bryant Park. If practice made perfect, why not gain a skill or awesome “hidden talent” this summer? I made a point to block out an hour every week to join the fun and told everyone I know (friends, colleagues, random strangers) about this group to keep myself motivated.

While I didn’t keep count of how many sessions I attended (more than 5 but fewer than 10), I realize it is getting close to end of summer season and I have indeed gained insight into this seemingly difficult yet fascinating activity.

The best part is always meeting people. A. and J. are both extremely patient and friendly instructors. Before the end of summer I hope to buy them a round of drinks for the countless number of one-on-one coaching sessions and endless encouragement (I still don’t know how they put up with me).

Some lessons / observations / comments:

  • smile!
  • go barefoot
  • invite spectators to become participants
  • give midtown recommendations to visitors
  • free yourself from the smartphone madness
  • meet people and have fun

Two ideas for the group (if A. or J. is reading?):

  • end of summer variety of all newly minted jugglers (with music!) I suppose this may take some coordination/practice/promotion
  • featuring “meet the juggler” bio (no photos necessary) once a week where we ask a lucky participant a few q’s (i.e. what’s their favorite NY spot and how did they get into juggling and what do they do when they’re not juggling).

Check the Bryant Park Jugglers Blog:
Bryant Park Jugglers Twitter: BPJugglers

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