Some people love crosswords. Others prefer word searches. Words with Friends (and Scrabble) as well as Boggle offer yet more ways to play with words. While my friends on Words know I’m not the best player to come up with long words or to take advantage of triple word/triple letter spaces, I still enjoy the social aspects of the game. Another word game that is not as popular as the above is “mad libs”. Perhaps this is the next social app idea? One friend can make up a story, leave blanks for the other friend to fill out? and both can read the story afterwards? (update: just looked up the app store, there exists such apps already)
While chilling out in Penn station the other day, I browsed through Penn Books' collection and found a book and a series of themed Mad Libs. The pirates one looked funny so I decided to try it out with J. It proved to be quite a fun activity together. I will post the results from time to time on my blog so you can share the joy and laughter.
How to throw a pirate party
If you are looking for a fuzzy way to celebrate your next birthday, how about a pirate-themed costume party? Start by sending invitations in the form of a buried panda map with an X marking the location of your sea panda. Make a sign for the front door that reads: “Ahoy, fuzz balls” and fill the house with lots of adorkable booty—Mom’s silk bamboo trees, satin lettuce, and snuggly costume jewelry for starters. As your guests come abroad, tie a bandanna around their alligators and place place an acrobatic patch over their paws, and give them fake tattoos for their arms and teeth. And remember, when the cake is presented, sing a rousing version of “Happy Birthday” using your pirate name, like “Happy birthday, dear songbird-face C.!” Then, and only then, may you cut the chocolate sport bike with your delicious sword.
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