Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer Popsicles

Popsicles aren't just for kids. Buy a simple popsicle maker next time you're getting groceries or kitchenware. It's amazing the amount of fun you can have with those! and so simple too!

//Pour in your favorite coke/pepsi/soda, be sure not to do flat soda because you want some bubbles frozen to create neat texture. You have to be careful not to pour too much because the ice will expand and explode soda all over your freezer. My favorite soda is cherry coke so I used that. Rootbeer and cream soda will probably be decent too.

//Pour in orange juice (I choose some pulp for texture) and you'll get orange popsicles!

//I bought this mango nectar at the grocery store which works really well for a tropical twist. You can probably combine mango and orange juice too.

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