Sunday, October 02, 2005

statement of purpose

I've always had the idea of creating my Food Review Blog. What with the aboundance of restaurants around my university in the Georgetown area and the fact that I love to explore new dishes. I have tried to recall what dishes I have eaten at which restaurants, but atlas, the list is too extensive.

This past summer, after I have written a few emails detailing my cooking and tasting experience, my friend suggested that I become a food critic. Although the idea is certainly appealing, I would probably make a poor food critic. I'm very picky with my food and certainly will post a negative review if necessary. So what is the purpose of this blog? I want to be able to share some of my favorite dishes and food interests with the online community.

Most of the posts here will involve restaurants in Georgetown and the tri-state area. However, I do have a sweet tooth for chocolates from Godiva and Lindt, which will probably make it to this blog once in a while. I also have to thank a friend for being a wonderful cook. If there are good recipes, I may post them as well.

Enjoy the posts and I hope you'll be interested enough to try some of those dishes! Please comment if you like any of the posts.

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