Monday, May 12, 2014

Japan Day in Central Park

Japan Day 2014 look place this past Sunday in sunny Central Park. I’d heard about this culture event previously and was glad I had the opportunity to go this year. My friend L. recommended JERO, who is an enka style (a traditional Japanese genre) performer and well beloved in Japan. Below is a pic of the stage where JERO performed enka style songs. I loved his outfit, his vocal chops, and his overall performance. You can read more about him here
Other festivities included food stands, activity stands such as origami, calligraphy, and kabuki facepainting. I mostly looked at the stage performances: Taiko drumming, fashion show, JERO, and an audience participation dance number by AK848 called something Fortune Cookie. Not quite the macarena or gangnam style but still an international sensation.
Selected photos from my walk around the park. Say hello to Shakespeare.
I’ve always wanted to try the model boat. Aren’t they pretty? The reflections came out perfectly.
The red floor near Bethesda Fountain contrasts well with the green trees.

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