Origami Convention 2013 Countdown

Update 6/30/2013: Countdown and Convention had both ended. Thank you for following. I had a really fun time doing the countdown and also loved convention. I hope to do this again next year.
Photo gallery posted here: http://azuleteats.blogspot.com/2013/06/2013-origami-countdown.html

Origami USA Convention 2013 will be my first origami convention and I thought I'd get drummed up by doing a folding countdown. Follow me on twitter @azulet if you are curious. I've also updated my twitter profile temporarily to include this info page. Tell your friends and origami enthusiasts!

If you don't follow twitter, you can also bookmark this here and check back daily. 

Share a origami model pic with the number days left until convention. (can check homepage for the official countdown down to the hours/minutes/seconds)

#origamiconvention #countdown #newyork #2013 #origamiusa2013 
Note that these are just ideas, Origami USA doesn't have an official tag and OUSA2013 is already taken by another organization/ event.

Tools / Setup
For my photos with countdown, I used the app called Big Day (lite version is free). I entered June 21 as the event date to set up the countdown. The app allows me to choose any picture from my photo album as the background. Everyday, after folding a particular model, I would take a picture with my phone, then set it as the app's background pic. Then I would can take a screenshot of the image which includes the countdown number. Final step is to upload the photo on twitter and credit the creators!

Sample screenshot here: 

Additional Resources
Learn about the origami convention here: http://origamiusa.org/convention2013

Want to learn origami? Check out New York Origami Meetup Group here: http://www.meetup.com/omgnyc/

List of models and credits (all folded by me with exception of some group efforts)
If I didn't link your site, please leave me a comment.

51 color-change hydrangea box / inspired by Shuzo Fujimoto's hydrangea
50 Fractal flower / Roman Diaz
49 dekoball / René Lucio and Jan Spütz
48 5-level hydrangea / Shuzo Fujimoto
47 Kaleidozyklus / René Lucio and Jan Spütz
46 Lily (or iris) / Traditional
45 Christmas Star / Klaus-Dieter Ennen
44 baseball cap / René Lucio and Jan Spütz
43 variation on cubist heart / inspired by Jeremy Shafer's cubist heart
42 clover (made from 5th and 7th divisions of the square) / Shuzo Fujimoto
41 Christmas Star (see 45, flower variation on earlier step) / Klaus-Dieter Ennen
40 Omega star / Philip Shen
39 5th Flower (I recently learned how to divide paper into 5X5 squares... and this is a random flower/star creation) 
38 Shark by Nicolas Terry
37 pinwheel pouch / Practical Origami
36 bird container / Makoto and Sakama
35 Little sun modular (later named 'azulet'!) by Uyen Nguyen
34 star / Klaus-Dieter Ennen
33 color change variation Kaleidozyklus / René Lucio and Jan Spütz
32 Swan by Yamaguchi Makoto
31 chopstick holder variation (no cutting) / Practical Origami
30 cube with windows (group folded with Nate and Linda) / Gurkewitz, Arnstein
29  3x3 chessboard (and it turned into a hydrangea) / John Montroll
28 Simple Elephant / John Montroll
27 Intermediate Elephant / John Montroll
26 exercise with dividing paper into fifths
25 Pre-creased hydrangea variation (the middle turned out unexpectedly) / Shuzo Fujimoto
24 Butterfly / Yuri Shumakov (Oriland)
23 Five-petal lily (see 46 for regular) / John Montroll
22 cube with sunken corners John Montroll
21 level 3 hydrangea (variation with iso-blitz, likely a contender for the pin exchange)  / Shuzo Fujimoto
20 Star within a star (stared with Pentagon) / John Montroll
19 Modular from instructions inside a 3-in Tant pack / Author unknown?
18 Andrea's Rose (puffy edition) / JC Nolan
17 Sunflower / David Collier
16 Shirt with trim/Gay Merrill Gross
15 Container / Traditional model
14 Husky dog / Alan Cohen and Samuel Randlett
13 Crane / Traditional model
12 Dolphin / Jeremy Shafer
11 Christmas Star oversized / Klaus-Dieter Ennen
10 butterfly ball / Kenneth Kawamura and penguin puppet / Yukihiko Matsun
9 Chocolate covered ant / Jeremy Shafer
8 bunny / traditional model
7 bat (variation which doesn't require cutting) / George Rhodes
6 Gorilla / Robert Neale
5 Ishibashi ball / Minako Ishibashi
4 rose from instructions inside a 6-in Tant pack / Author unknown?
3 Ace of Diamonds / Meenakshi Mukerji
2 Five Pointed Flower / John Montroll
Sakura ball / Toshikazu Kawasaki
 0 Group modular party: cube with windows (group folded with OMG) / Gurkewitz, Arnstein
June 21 Happy Origami Convention 2013 everyone!

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